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Hancock Park 
Homeowners Association 
est. 1948

  • 5 Jan 2022 3:00 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Happy New Year and Here’s What’s Next for Hancock Park

    Hancock Park is now part of Council District 5 it’s time to meet our new Councilmember, Paul Koretz.  The HPHOA will host a virtual “Meet and Greet” Town Hall with our new CM on Thursday, January 13th at 6:30 PM.  Town Hall Zoom link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82160706440 - Information and links can also be found on our website www.HancockPark.org   Please plan to join us!

    What’s Next!

    -        We will be electing a new CD5 Council person in 2022.  The Association will host a candidates’ forum so you can meet and hear from the people running.  It’s important!  Our Council Member impacts the daily life in our neighborhood and electing the right person is critical to the quality and safety of life in Hancock Park.

    -        Increase neighborhood security:

    o   Add a third security patrol to join SSA and ADT.

    o   Research adding security camera license plate readers in the neighborhood.

    -        Keeping you informed.  Continue to expand our excellent neighborhood email communication system.  Please contact us on the website to join our email list.

    -        Working with our new Council Office and Streets LA to continue repair our infrastructure by implementing the priority repair schedule for “fixing our worst streets first”.  Currently Lillian Way is being analyzed for repairs that will allow for proper street drainage.

    -        Working with our new Council Office and LADOT to improve traffic safety and fund and install needed mitigations.  Currently working on installing Speed Tables on 6th Street.

    -        Continuing our care for our beautiful Urban Canopy by planting more trees!  We’ve had some desperately needed rain that’s deep watered our urban forest.  Time to fertilize your parkway trees.  Water your trees if we go two weeks without rain.  Our trees are the lungs of the city; cleaning the air, keeping us cool in the summer and helping us fight climate change.

    Stay Safe:  Subscribe to one of the neighborhood private security services, alert your neighbors and the police if you see something suspicious.  Leave outside lights on overnight.  Lock your car.  Lock your house. Set the alarm if you have one and consider installing one if you don’t.  Stay alert on walks and while getting in and out of your car.  Walk with a friend when possible.

    We’re looking forward to a productive, safe and happy New Year for everyone in Hancock Park and in the beautiful City of Los Angeles, Join us to help make this happen!

    Please see our website at www.HancockPark.org! Join a committee! Come to a Zoom Meeting!

    Participate! We are all volunteers!

  • 2 Dec 2021 4:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Meet Our New Councilman!

    Thanks to all the hard work and dedicated efforts of the Association and you, our members, Hancock Park is now part of Council District 5.  Being in Council District 5 unites many of the communities of interest within Hancock Park with those in neighboring communities; and includes the majority of  neighborhoods that make up  our Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council.  Our new Councilman is Paul Koretz and we are excited to start working with him to help improve our neighborhood security and traffic safety, continue repairing our infrastructure - streets, sidewalks and curbs, and to keep Hancock Park the beautiful and vital part of Los Angeles it has always been. CM Koretz has been a long serving well-respected and effective Councilman and has years of experience helping the city, and his constituents. 

    The Association is sponsoring a virtual “Meet and Greet” Town Hall with Councilmember Koretz on Thursday, January 13th at 6:30 PM. The Zoom link can be found on our website www.HancockPark.org   We hope you will attend!

    We thank the Redistricting Commission and City Council for their hard work on drawing the new district boundaries. The districts were drawn using census data, connecting communities of interest, following the voting rights act, and listening to the community.  Final map adjustments were made by Councilmember motions in order to try and ensure fair and equitable representation.

    Here’s some of what’s been accomplished in Hancock Park this past month:

    -          Streets LA  working with the Association ,has restored the framework and priority list of streets, sidewalks and curbs - Fix the Worst First .  Hudson is being repaved in concrete from Wilshire to 3rd and Lillian Way is being analyzed  as the possible next fix.

    -          Continued care for our  parkway canopy with Urban Forestry-  removing trees as needed and the HPHOA replanting new trees using the Hancock Park Master Tree Plan Guidelines.

    -          Survey completed for Hancock Park and Surrounding Neighborhoods to be shared with the Council Office and LADOT for proposed Traffic Safety Mitigations on 6th Street btw La Brea and Highland and Priority Bus Lanes on La Brea during peak hours  7-10am and 3-7pm.

    Remember to stay safe:  lock your car, your house, set your alarm if you have one, subscribe to one of the private security services and alert your neighbors and the police if you see something suspicious.

    May everyone have a wonderful holiday season and we’re looking forward to a productive New Year.

    Please see our website at www.HancockPark.org! Join a committee! Come to a Zoom Meeting!

    Participate! We are all volunteers!

  • 21 Oct 2021 5:05 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Redistricting Commission Shines a Light!

    Thank you to all who were able to speak or emailed the commis- sioners during the recent LA Re- districting hearings! We need your voices again in the upcoming meetings - October 13th at 6pm, October 9th and 16th at 10am via

    Zoom Zoom link to join type https://laccrc2021.org/meetings/ - into your browser and scroll down to Upcoming Meetings. Please continue to submit your comments and our message to the commission by email- ing fred.ali@lacity.org, frank.cardenas@lacity.org, & redistricting.lac- ity@lacity.org

    THE STORY: For decades, every time redistricting has been done, the call from Angelenos Citywide has been that corruption is rampant. Ac- cusations that maps are being drawn behind closed doors by incumbents or their loyal staff members. That community organizing and input is just a sham show to pretend that the public is being listened to.

    Well in 2021 something remarkable is happening: the commission is following the census data, voting rights protections, communities of interest, neighborhood council boundaries and the voices of the people. The independent commission formed months ago and at the start of it the commissioners created ground rules for ethical behavior. They created principles of how they would be respectful of each other and the communities they were about to move around on a map. And they agreed that this time, the process would be transparent and done in the open. And for months the commission worked off of these principles and the map started to morph based on community input, particularly for communities of interest.

    We often don't feel like we have a lot to applaud at City Hall between the crime and ever-growing numbers of unhoused, broken streets and poor air quality. Yet this redistricting commission has stood on prin- ciple and stood by the community. They have been ethical and lis- tened to so many neighborhood voices. And they adopted Draft Map K2.5 https://laccrc2021.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/City-of- LA-Draft-Map-K-2.5-with-numbers.pdf

    Hancock Park, GWNC and communities of interest

    are together in CD5! This is what we advocate for!

    This is our message to the Com- missioners!

    The process is not over yet. This commission will continue to work and adjustments will be made to the draft map, to create a map for the City of LA. That map will then be sent to the City Council for their own re- view and revision process and a final vote. Though shifts around Council Districts will happen, what matters is that this commission is unprece- dented in putting census data, population, voting rights protections, communities of interest, neighborhood council boundaries and the voices of the people first over sole political interest.

    Join the historic effort to keep the LA Redistricting Process ethical and transparent! Hold our City accountable and lend your voice in the up- coming meetings - October 13th at 6PM, October 9th and 16th at 10am. Here's how to find the Zoom meeting  link. Type https://laccrc2021.org/meetings/ into your browser, scroll down to Up- coming Meetings Please continue to submit your comments and our message to the commission by emailing fred.ali@lacity.org, frank.car- denas@lacity.org, & redistricting.lacity@lacity.org

    Please see our website at www.HancockPark.org!

    Join a committee! Come to a Zoom Meeting!

    Participate! We are all volunteers!

  • 3 Sep 2021 5:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    What’s Happening this Month! Help Protect Our Neighborhood!

    Land Use and Zoning  - The CA state assembly recently passed SB9 and SB10. These bills destroy R-1 zoning. They allow lot splitting, construction of multiple buildings on a single lot, require no additional parking, no infrastructure expansion or environmental review. These bills do not require any affordable housing!  Our ASM Richard Bloom, voted against this measures!  Contact senator Ben Allen (310) 318-6994 - let him know he needs to oppose these bills!  Call governor Newsom  (916) 445-2841 tell him to veto these bills and support neighborhoods, not developers that will be allowed to  build unaffordable, community destroying housing.  

    Restoring Safety and Security - We continue to request action plans from CD4 Council Office for 1) LADBS enforcement , clean up or removal of derelict buildings on June, RImpau and McCaddden; and 2)  LADBS enforcement  at an illegal AirBnB currently operating  on Hudson Ave.

    Preserving our Urban Canopy Parkway tree planting and stump removal - If you have a dead tree, stump or need a new parkway tree, LET US KNOW! Please keep watering your parkway trees! Our canopy cleans the air and cools the temperature for the benefit of our entire community!

    Neighborhood Schools - School has started and we’re working with all neighborhood schools to mitigate, the traffic problems.The HOA recently participated in a zoom meeting with JB school leadership, LAUSD, HP residents, CD4 and LAPD school division. We discussed ways to control traffic impacting the neighbrohood and ensure safety for the students. We continue to work with JB school leadership on the seismic retrofit and expansion to manage the impact on residents.

    Infrastructure Repairs in our Neighborhood - Our dialog continues between StreetsLA and CD4 to fix our streets, sidewalks and non compliant ADA curbs. We hope to have an answer soon as to when the DWP utility “cuts” recently made along 4th street which cause the street to deteriorate more rapidly will be repaired properly. 

    Board Elections and Annual Meeting  - Members in good standing (meaning you paid your dues) will be receiving ballots for the Association’s Board of Directors election at the annual meeting on October 16th at 6PM via Zoom. Transportation and Traffic- CM Raman is on  record in support of Hancock Park's plan for 4th Street and stated she will oppose bike signal lights and restricted turns at 4th and Rossmore and Highland. The HOA continues to work with LADOT to make streets and intersections with a history of serious accidents safer - adding stop signs, requesting traffic laws and speed enforcement.  Please see our website at www.HancockPark.org!   Join a committee! Come to a Zoom Meeting! Participate!  We are all volunteers!

  • 2 Sep 2021 3:40 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Each year at our annual meeting in October, the Members in Good Standing of the HPHA (those who have paid their dues in 2021) vote for a slate of one-half of the HPHA Board to a new two-year term. This year, due to COVID and to reduce mail/paper costs, we are conducting the vote on our website. (Anyone who would rather vote by mail can email JenDeVore@gmail.com and request that a paper ballot be dropped off.) Below are the biographies of the nine Board members up for re-election for the 2021 - 2023 term. 

    Nominee Profiles — October 2021 Election  

    Tim Allyn  

    Tim serves as chair of the HPHA Streets Committee and has been instrumental in efforts to repair Hancock Park streets. Tim is an environmental consultant, solar contractor and activist and has lived in Hancock Park with his wife and daughter for over 26 years. 

    Martin Beck  

    Marty has lived in Hancock Park since 1998. He has been a commercial/industrial/residential real estate agent for 11 years in downtown Los Angeles. Prior to real estate, Marty worked for over 30 years in the textile business, mostly as a regional sales manager for a New York textile company. Marty co-chairs the Security committee. 

    Greg Glasser  

    Greg has lived in Hancock Park since 1999. He has been involved with the HPOZ and chaired the HPOZ Committee. He maintains the Association's website, hancockpark.org, and helps retrieve and direct the emails. Greg sits on the Traffic committee and is an expert on preferential parking districts. 

    Nancy Dolan

    Nancy has been a Hancock Park resident for over 20 years. She has been a block captain since 2016. Nancy is a political consultant and has represented city, county and state candidates and elected officials since 1999.

    Susan Grossman  

    Susan and her husband Kim have lived in Hancock Park for almost 30 years. She is currently the vice president of the Association. Susan is the co-chair of the Tree Committee and the Zoning committee, and she sits on the Hancock Park HPOZ Board.

    William Newby  

    Bill grew up on the Westside but has lived in the Hancock Park/Windsor Square area for almost 25 years where he raised three daughters including two who attended school locally at Marlborough. Bill is an investment banker specializing in the Gaming, Lodging and Leisure industries who attended UCLA both for his undergraduate degree in History as well as earning his MBA from the now Anderson School. Bill is an active member of the Board's Streets committee and is currently involved in the ongoing effort to repair and maintain our streets according to the standards of our HPOZ. Bill also leads the Boards work on the Highland Median.

    Deborah Trainer  

    Deborah Trainer is co-chair of the HPHA Tree Committee. With her husband, she was part of the effort to establish the HPOZ. She is an artist, formerly in the design profession. She has a degree in city planning, and worked in the Office of Lower Manhattan Development, and the Parks Department, in New York City. She's lived in Hancock Park for over 30 years with her family. 

    Jon Vein  

    Jon Vein is a long-time resident of Hancock Park. He is co-founder and Chairman of BiologyWorks, a Los Angeles-based medical diagnostics company.  Previously, he was co-founder and CEO of MarketShare, a leading data analytics software company that was acquired in 2015.  Before founding MarketShare, Jon worked as COO for Michael Ovitzs AMG and APG. Jon is an Emmy Award winner, producing many film and television productions, including King of the Hill and the Simpsons. He graduated with high honors from UC Berkeley with a dual degree in engineering-computer science and cum laude from Harvard Law School after which he was a founding partner of the entertainment law firm Dem & Vein. Jon is an active volunteer in many civic and charitable organizations, including serving as president of the Los Angeles Conventions and Tourism Development Board and leading acquiring hotels for Project Room Key for the city of Los Angeles.  Jon is married to Ellen Goldsmith-Vein, an entertainment executive, and has two children, Caroline and Jack.

    James Wolf  

     Jim grew up in Hancock Park. After time away in college, he, his wife and children moved back to Hancock Park and have lived here since 1983. Jim attended both the University of Pennsylvania and USC where he earned degrees in Civil Engineering and in Architecture. He is a California licensed architect. Jim has served on the Board of Directors since 1987 and was the president of the Association for over 12 years. Jim co-chairs the Street Lighting Committee and the Zoning Committee. Jim represented the Hancock Park area on the Greater Wilshire Neighborhood Council and was GWNC Vice President and Chairman of the Land Use Committee for GWNC from inception through 2018.

  • 5 Aug 2021 5:01 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    What We’ve Done, What We’re Doing and What’s Next for Hancock Park

    Hancock Park HOA

    Land Use and Zoning in Hancock Park

    We participated in community meetings on how to mitigate the impact on the surrounding residents and community of two major proposed TOC developments:  1) Highland and Wilshire; and 2) 410 Rossmore.

    We continued our outreach to the community on Sacramento’s proposed R-1 neighborhood destroying zoning laws that  contain no affordable housing components.

    Restoring Safety and Security

    Continued requesting an action plan from CD4 Council Office for 1) Enforcement and  remove/fence/clean up of derelict buildings on June/Rimpau and McCaddden; and 2) Removal of the encampment on Wilshire Blvd next to John Burroughs Middle School.

    Preserving our Urban Canopy

    Highland Median - Trimmed all the young palm trees and continued monitoring irrigation and trash removal.

    Tree Planting and Stump Removal – Developed and implemented action plan with Urban Forestry to remove tree stumps and prepare to replant parkway trees

    Neighborhood Schools

    Working with leadership at Yavneh on renovations and coordinating with LAUSD and neighborhood on John Burroughs Middle School new construction plan

    Infrastructure Repairs in our Neighborhood

    Met with the new StreetsLA Director to discuss restarting our repair plan for concrete streets, sidewalks and ADA curb installation

    Received updates on the development of engineering plan to continue the sidewalk along Beverly between Rossmore and June.

    Transportation and Traffic-

    Unified neighborhoods -Windsor Square HOA joined Hancock Park in support of Hancock Park's Reasonable,Thoughtful, Inclusive Plan for 4th Street.

    A new pedestrian "island" will be installed on 3rd street btw McCadden and Las Palmas for safer

    Please see our website at www.HancockPark.org!   Join a committee! Come to a Zoom Meeting! Participate!  We are all volunteers!

  • 6 Jul 2021 2:43 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We have News! 

    Keeping our Hancock Park residents and surrounding neighbors updated and sharing important information on local, city and statewide issues —  especially those that impact our neighborhood and quality of life —  is very important to the Hancock Park Homeowners Association.

    We strongly feel our ability to communicate with you and share timely fact-based information is crucial!  Equally important is being able to respond to our resident’s questions and concerns in a timely manner.

    We re Expanding Our Reach and Want to Hear From You

    We are adding a number of new ways to reach you as well as expanding our existing networks.  Here are some of the ways you can find us, hear from us and communicate with us:

       In the Larchmont Buzz - Home - Larchmont Buzz - Hancock Park News – on a regular basis

       In the Beverly Press - https://beverlypress.com/ - Local news since 1946 News/ Beverly Press

       On our website www.HancockPark.org

    Planning a remodel on your Hancock Park home?

    If you’re planning to make any changes to the street-visible portion of your house, hardscaping and windows, check with our HPOZ Planner Suki Gershenhorn (suki.gershenhorn@lacity.org) before starting. The HPOZ Preservation Plan, which regulates our HPOZ, can be found at preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/la/hancock-park. There is also an online form available - preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/initial.screening.checklist. Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System: laocb.org/programs/graffiti-abatement and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180. 

  • 26 May 2021 12:09 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Help Us to Save Our Neighborhood

    In a poorly thought out strategy to address the affordable housing shortage, members of the state legislature have proposed legislation that will allow for the subdivision of R-1 neighborhoods and the construction of multiple, multi-story buildings on lots now containing one house.  SB9 and SB10 are promoted as solutions to providing affordable housing near public transit.  Unfortunately, this plan will only result in more expensive, empty buildings, over-parking on streets that have no capacity, and increased use of public utilities.  All with no requirement that developers contribute to upgrading public utilities or set aside significant numbers of units that are affordable and will remain so.  SB9 and SB10 just destroy neighborhoods and incentivize the construction of unaffordable housing. 

    The United Neighbors volunteer group has put together a video that explains what our city will look like if SB9 and SB10 are passed.  You can find it on our website:  Hancock Park Homeowners Association est 1948 - SB9 and SB10 Will Destroy California's Neighborhoods .  Take a look and then write your state representatives and our Councilmember and tell them what you think.  

    Our current Council Field Deputy, Su Lee, will be transitioned into a new role in the Council Office.  The Council Office is hiring new field managers and once someone is hired and trained Su will move to another role. 

    It’s getting warm so don’t forget to water your trees, and if you need a tree in your parkway contact the Association at https://www.hancockparkhomeownersassociation.org/

    If you’re planning to make any changes to the street-visible portion of your house, hardscaping and windows, check with our HPOZ Planner Suki Gershenhorn (suki.gershenhorn@lacity.org) before starting. The HPOZ Preservation Plan, which regulates our HPOZ, can be found at preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/la/hancock-park. There is also an online form available - preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/initial.screening.checklist. Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System: laocb.org/programs/graffiti-abatement and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180.  

  • 18 May 2021 11:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We all understand the need for more affordable housing. Sacramento Housing Bills SB9 and SB10 are NOT the answer. Here's a great video from United Neighbors that explains why in 2 minutes flat. Please watch and let your elected representatives know your thoughts.


    Contact your elected representatives! Tell them to VOTE NO on SB9 & SB 10.

     Senator Ben Allen : Senator.Allen@senate.ca.gov

     Assemblymember Richard Bloom: Assemblymember.Bloom@assembly.ca.gov

    CD4 CM Nithya Raman: nithya.raman@lacity.org

Address: 137 North Larchmont Boulevard # 719, Los Angeles, CA 90004

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