Redistricting Commission Shines a Light!
Thank you to all who were able to speak or emailed the commis- sioners during the recent LA Re- districting hearings! We need your voices again in the upcoming meetings - October 13th at 6pm, October 9th and 16th at 10am via
Zoom Zoom link to join type - into your browser and scroll down to Upcoming Meetings. Please continue to submit your comments and our message to the commission by email- ing,, & redistricting.lac-
THE STORY: For decades, every time redistricting has been done, the call from Angelenos Citywide has been that corruption is rampant. Ac- cusations that maps are being drawn behind closed doors by incumbents or their loyal staff members. That community organizing and input is just a sham show to pretend that the public is being listened to.
Well in 2021 something remarkable is happening: the commission is following the census data, voting rights protections, communities of interest, neighborhood council boundaries and the voices of the people. The independent commission formed months ago and at the start of it the commissioners created ground rules for ethical behavior. They created principles of how they would be respectful of each other and the communities they were about to move around on a map. And they agreed that this time, the process would be transparent and done in the open. And for months the commission worked off of these principles and the map started to morph based on community input, particularly for communities of interest.
We often don't feel like we have a lot to applaud at City Hall between the crime and ever-growing numbers of unhoused, broken streets and poor air quality. Yet this redistricting commission has stood on prin- ciple and stood by the community. They have been ethical and lis- tened to so many neighborhood voices. And they adopted Draft Map K2.5 LA-Draft-Map-K-2.5-with-numbers.pdf
Hancock Park, GWNC and communities of interest
are together in CD5! This is what we advocate for!
This is our message to the Com- missioners!
The process is not over yet. This commission will continue to work and adjustments will be made to the draft map, to create a map for the City of LA. That map will then be sent to the City Council for their own re- view and revision process and a final vote. Though shifts around Council Districts will happen, what matters is that this commission is unprece- dented in putting census data, population, voting rights protections, communities of interest, neighborhood council boundaries and the voices of the people first over sole political interest.
Join the historic effort to keep the LA Redistricting Process ethical and transparent! Hold our City accountable and lend your voice in the up- coming meetings - October 13th at 6PM, October 9th and 16th at 10am. Here's how to find the Zoom meeting link. Type into your browser, scroll down to Up- coming Meetings Please continue to submit your comments and our message to the commission by emailing,, &
Join a committee! Come to a Zoom Meeting!
Participate! We are all volunteers!