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Hancock Park 
Homeowners Association 
est. 1948

September Column

3 Sep 2021 5:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

What’s Happening this Month! Help Protect Our Neighborhood!

Land Use and Zoning  - The CA state assembly recently passed SB9 and SB10. These bills destroy R-1 zoning. They allow lot splitting, construction of multiple buildings on a single lot, require no additional parking, no infrastructure expansion or environmental review. These bills do not require any affordable housing!  Our ASM Richard Bloom, voted against this measures!  Contact senator Ben Allen (310) 318-6994 - let him know he needs to oppose these bills!  Call governor Newsom  (916) 445-2841 tell him to veto these bills and support neighborhoods, not developers that will be allowed to  build unaffordable, community destroying housing.  

Restoring Safety and Security - We continue to request action plans from CD4 Council Office for 1) LADBS enforcement , clean up or removal of derelict buildings on June, RImpau and McCaddden; and 2)  LADBS enforcement  at an illegal AirBnB currently operating  on Hudson Ave.

Preserving our Urban Canopy Parkway tree planting and stump removal - If you have a dead tree, stump or need a new parkway tree, LET US KNOW! Please keep watering your parkway trees! Our canopy cleans the air and cools the temperature for the benefit of our entire community!

Neighborhood Schools - School has started and we’re working with all neighborhood schools to mitigate, the traffic problems.The HOA recently participated in a zoom meeting with JB school leadership, LAUSD, HP residents, CD4 and LAPD school division. We discussed ways to control traffic impacting the neighbrohood and ensure safety for the students. We continue to work with JB school leadership on the seismic retrofit and expansion to manage the impact on residents.

Infrastructure Repairs in our Neighborhood - Our dialog continues between StreetsLA and CD4 to fix our streets, sidewalks and non compliant ADA curbs. We hope to have an answer soon as to when the DWP utility “cuts” recently made along 4th street which cause the street to deteriorate more rapidly will be repaired properly. 

Board Elections and Annual Meeting  - Members in good standing (meaning you paid your dues) will be receiving ballots for the Association’s Board of Directors election at the annual meeting on October 16th at 6PM via Zoom. Transportation and Traffic- CM Raman is on  record in support of Hancock Park's plan for 4th Street and stated she will oppose bike signal lights and restricted turns at 4th and Rossmore and Highland. The HOA continues to work with LADOT to make streets and intersections with a history of serious accidents safer - adding stop signs, requesting traffic laws and speed enforcement.  Please see our website at www.HancockPark.org!   Join a committee! Come to a Zoom Meeting! Participate!  We are all volunteers!

Address: 137 North Larchmont Boulevard # 719, Los Angeles, CA 90004

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