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Hancock Park 
Homeowners Association 
est. 1948

September Column

25 Aug 2020 3:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Zooming the Annual Meeting and Saving 4th Street

The HPHOA, est. 1948 Annual Meeting will be held virtually, via Zoom, at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, October 14th.  This is your chance to hear from the Council Office, LAPD and the Association on all the important issues facing our community.  It’s also where the election of half of the Board of Directors will be held.  If you’re a member in good standing, meaning you paid your dues, you’ll be getting a ballot.  To find out more information, including the candidates for Board of Directors, take a few minutes and visit the website.

Thanks to all the residents who wrote and spoke at the GWNC Transportation Committee and ultimately succeeded in the effort to get the Council to uphold the 2011 motion that opposed Bike Lights and Restricted Turns at 4th and Highland and 4th and Rossmore.  The Association and GWNC is investigating ways of improving the use of 4th Street for everyone:  pedestrians, dog walkers, bike riders, motorists and residents.  We all pay taxes and the streets are owned by everyone.  Your input made all the difference.

Don’t forget to fill out the Census.  The Census is taken every 10 years and determines the number of representatives we have, in the state house and in Washington; it determines how much of the nation’s resources are devoted to our area and needs and makes sure that our voices are heard, counted and attended to.  The website is https://2020census.gov/en.html

If you’re planning to make any changes to the street-visible portion of your house, including hardscaping and windows, check with our HPOZ Planner Suki Gershenhorn (suki.gershenhorn@lacity.org) before starting. The HPOZ Preservation Plan, which regulates our HPOZ, can be found at preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/la/hancock-park. There is also an online form you can fill out to help speed up the process — the Initial Screening Checklist (preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/initial.screening.checklist). Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System: laocb.org/programs/graffiti-abatement and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180.  

Address: 137 North Larchmont Boulevard # 719, Los Angeles, CA 90004

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