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Hancock Park 
Homeowners Association 
est. 1948

June Column

28 May 2020 5:44 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Thanks to our Block Captains and Councilman Ryu

This week the Hancock Park block captains met, via Zoom, with each other, HPHOA Board members, and Councilman Ryu and members of his staff to talk about the important issues facing our community as a result of the Coronavirus emergency.  Before the CV outbreak the City was already facing a homelessness crisis and was ramping up efforts to house the those without shelter.  Those efforts are even more important now and the City, in particular our Councilman and his office, are working hard to provide temporary shelter as well as a permanent path off the streets.  The Councilman also discussed with our block captains some of the security challenges we face because the city no longer incarcerates suspects charged with non violent crimes.  And, now our mostly empty streets are being used as speedways and the strain of enforcement is falling on the very short staffed traffic enforcement staff.  

HPHOA Board members gave status reports on Tree Planting, Street Repair, maintenance of the Highland Median, Security, Traffic and Historic Preservation.  The HPHOA website will soon have information and photographs of the trees chosen for our historic streetscape.  There remains money in the upcoming city budget for street repair, and the Highland Median is now being watered and cleaned.  The HPOZ Board will start meeting and reviewing cases next week, via Zoom, and with help from the Council Office, problem properties are being investigated and cited.

Your Block Captain network is a vital part of community safety and awareness.  If you don’t know who your block captain is, contact the Association.  If you want to volunteer to be a block captain let us know!  Thanks to all the community minded people who volunteer to be block captains; Hancock Park wouldn’t be what it is without you!

Don’t forget to maintain the social distancing guidelines, wear a mask when out in public, wash your hands, don’t touch your face and check with your neighbors to be sure they are OK.  For more information please visit our website: hancockparkhomeownersassociation.org/page-18054/8843518.

If you’re planning to make any changes to the street-visible portion of your house, including hardscaping and windows, check with our HPOZ Planner Suki Gershenhorn (suki.gershenhorn@lacity.org) before starting. The HPOZ Preservation Plan, which regulates our HPOZ, can be found at preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/la/hancock-park. There is also an online form you can fill out to help speed up the process — the Initial Screening Checklist (preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/initial.screening.checklist). Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System: laocb.org/programs/graffiti-abatement and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180.

Address: 137 North Larchmont Boulevard # 719, Los Angeles, CA 90004

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