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Hancock Park 
Homeowners Association 
est. 1948

Be Prepared!

25 Mar 2011 8:00 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

The recent earthquake and Tsunami in Japan are a forceful reminder that we live in an earthquake area and that quake could strike at any time. The Fire and Police Departments remind us that if a disaster strikes they will be busy taking care of major damage and injuries and won’t be available for residential needs for food and water , so we need to be ready. Do you have a Disaster Plan, supplies and training? Visit the HPHOA, est. 1948 website for information. Another good place to start in developing a Disaster Plan is the LA Times website – http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/home_blog/2011/03/preparing-for-earthquakes.html. An excellent resource for training is the LA Fire Department’s CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training – http://www.cert-la.com/index.shtml . This is a 17 ½ hour (one day a week for seven weeks) of training and teaches how to: 1) Manage utilities and put out small fires; 2) Treat medical emergencies such as opening airways, controlling bleeding and treating shock; 3) Provide basic medical aid; 4) Search for and rescue victims as well as facilitating volunteer organization and collecting disaster intelligence to support first responder efforts. Remember, an earthquake or other emergency could happen any time so DON’T WAIT! We thank our dues payment members for their generous support of the Association’s work, which includes the recent parkway tree stump removals. If you haven’t paid your dues, please take a few minutes and put a check in the mail. Also don’t forget the Sixth Annual Windsor Square-Hancock Park Historical Society Garden Party and Tour which will honor our President, Cindy Chvatal-Keane. It will be on Sunday, April 17th from noon to 6PM and will support the JB Beautification Program. For more information go to website: http://www.wshphs.org/gardentour11.html If you’re planning changes to the exterior of your house check the Hancock Park Preservation Plan (http://www.hancockpark.org or http://preservation.lacity.org/hpoz/la/hancock-park ) to make sure your changes are in keeping with the HPOZ. For any questions contact Matthew Glesne (213-978-1216 or matthew.glesne@lacity.org ). Also, if you are the unfortunate victim of a crime or fraud contact the Wilshire Division LAPD station at 213-473-0476 or website: http://www.lapdonline.org/wilshire_community_police_station. You can also contact Hancock Park’s Senior Lead Officer, Dave Cordova (213-793-0650; 31646@lapd.lacity.org). Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System – http://anti-graffiti.lacity.org/welcome.cfm?CFID=1007&CFTOKEN=411CDB4F-0FC3-4EE1-89DE58DCCB435538 and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180 For questions regarding filming, contact Filming Committee Members, Ruth Marmelzat or Cami Taylor. Ruth can be reached at 323-934-0138 and Cami at 323-692-1414 (Home) and 310-659-6220 (office).

Address: 137 North Larchmont Boulevard # 719, Los Angeles, CA 90004

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