The Association officers for the upcoming year are: President, Cindy Chvatal-Keane; Vice-President, Susan Grossman; Recording Secretary, Jennifer DeVore; Corresponding Secretary, Gerda McDonough; Treasurer, Victoria Vickers. The Association does much of its work through its committees so please consider joining a committee. The committees are: Parkway Trees; Land Use/ Zoning; Traffic ; HPOZ; LAPD/Security; Block Captains / Neighborhood Watch / Emergency Preparedness; School Liaison; and Parking; .
In December the City will release a draft of the new Mobility Element, which is part of the City’s General Plan. It will include six major policies resulting from their online Town Hall. A draft format of the City’s new “Networked Streets” plan will be released mid-January; including streets that will be “enhanced” for various modes of transportation. Rossmore is no longer being considered as a “Bike Superhighway”. The City is now looking at LaBrea Ave , which includes the option of a buffered bike lane. The Traffic Committee continues to be involved in this process and works with the City on keeping Hancock Park Streets safe
Don’t forget that crime can be a problem during the holidays. Keep safe by following simple precautions such as 1) Lock your car with valuables out of sight; 2) Set your alarm; 3) Stop papers, and mail if out of town; and 4) Put lights on timers; To report a crime in progress or a medical emergency call 911. If you observe suspicious activity call 1-877-ASK-LAPD and notify your private security service, if you are a subscriber. Crime prevention tips are available at website: . Remember: Never confront a suspicious person.
If you’re planning changes to your house read the Preservation Plan which can be found at: or ) and contact City Planner Vinita Huang (213-978-1216 or Be sure and look at our website for news – . Report graffiti sightings by calling 311 or at the City’s Anti-Graffiti Request System – and by calling Hollywood Beautification, 323-463-5180 Questions regarding filming – contact Filming Committee, Cami Taylor (323-692-1414-Home and 310-659-6220-Office).